What Having Sex With An Alien From Mars Does To A Man

It Turns His Brain To Mulch

After separating from my first ex-wife I was totally at a loss as to what to do about any part of my life. I was, in a nutshell, a complete and utter mess. The entire experience melted my brain and broke my heart in equal measure.

After my second divorce, one of my friends said to me, “You know you’re problem, Liam? You have been well and truly brain fucked by a big pair of alien tits.” He was right. That is what gaslighting, toxic, narcissists with a mesmerising pair of breasts do to you, just for the fun of it.

I was subliminally emasculated and emaciated to boot. I lost three stone in one month because of missed meals and stress. I was in a haze that I was barely conscious of. I had serious attacks of paranoia due to having discovered that not only had the wife I had adored for nigh on twenty years been having an extramarital affair, but also wanted to see me off!

As a result of my paranoid tendencies, I attempted to disguise myself by changing my appearance and making an unholy mess of it. I half-shaved my head and painted false tattoos all over my face. I felt like I had been on a trip to Mars and back, and had my brain turned into mulch by some sort of buxom alien in the process.

I was suffering from depression so deep that I came very close to doing the unthinkable. A very good friend of mine saw the funny side of it all and said I looked like a mix of Dan Dare and Groucho Marx. That was so funny, I must say I had to laugh. He was right.

Somehow, with the love and support of my mother and youngest brother, as well as a very close friend, I got through it.

Having spent a few nights sleeping in my car I managed to find a house I could rent. Then I got myself a part-time job as a pizza delivery boy at a local pizzeria. I also managed to get another part-time job as a teacher of English at a private academy, where I met my second nightmare wife.

In time, I managed to find a job as a commission-only cold salesman, from which I earned a tidy sum. After that, I got a job as a new and used car salesman at a main dealership. Apart from terrible problems with my first ex-wife and my second wife-to-be, life was good.

Eventually, to escape the vindictiveness of my first ex, I left the UK and went to live in Spain. How little did I know just how truly nasty my second ex-wife would turn out to be. You can read all about that unfortunate episode in a story linked below.

After I split with my cruella deville senorita in Spain, I went into business, not for the first time. I had my own language academy and piano bar, as well as freelance private English classes. Sadly it was all lost due to the toxic nastiness of ‘Little Miss I Want It All.’

Having taken me for everything, the bitch then tried to seize all of my salary from the bank and failed, but she succeeded in putting me out of business. I had to find some way of earning rent and food money without it going into a bank.

In the end, the only way for me to survive was by gigging and busking with my guitar and keyboard. That was cash in hand and allowed me to say goodbye to banks forever.

Finally, my age caught up with me and I was taken seriously ill, preventing me from doing any work at all. Fortunately, by that time I had met and married my present lovely Japanese wife who paid for me to travel to Japan to be cured. After that, I turned my hand to writing online as well as writing and self-publishing my books on Amazon.

These days I have no less than about 15 online publications to write for and am as happy as a sandboy.

One of the many things I have learned throughout my trials is that you are stronger than you think. Even in Japan, I had my challenges. One day in 2021 I fell off my bike at high speed and broke my left hip and leg. I spent three months in the hospital and had to learn to walk all over again. Thankfully, the breaks healed completely and I feel better than ever.

Remember, people can only hurt you if you let them. I let them. That was my bad. I should have bailed out a lot sooner than I did.

The only other thing I would say is that as a rule big-breasted toxic aliens do not go around wearing a pair of crotchless knickers bearing the message ‘Fondle this awesome rack at your peril, sucker.’ So be very careful until you know for sure that what you have on your hands is a normal healthy human being.


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