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It Really Is A Sight To Behold

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If you click on the link it will take you to a video of a completely AI-automated Chinese restaurant. AI Chefs, waiters, ordering system,…it is truly amazing how it all works together to serve piping hot meals exactly to order right to the table. No more noisy kitchens with chefs barking out orders under pressure, or clumsy waiters dropping plates full of food as they bump into people as they try to weave around the dining area.

This automated live performance of contactless preparing, cooking and serving of fine dining is a sight to behold. It brings with it degrees of hygiene, safety, calmness, consistency and efficiency, with the benefit of reduced labour costs.

Futuristic robotic arms can cut, slice and place all of the ingredients in a pan with the precise form, and quantity, and at the correct cooking temperature. I really is a stunning spectacle. They say that this sort of setup is becoming widespread throughout China. However, living in Japan, I can tell you we are seeing the same thing over here. It is only a matter of time before it is commonplace in other parts of the world.

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