"What Is Sex Like With A Japanese Woman?"

What Sort Of Man Would Ask That Question Of A Man Married To A Beautiful Japanese Woman?

As a man and a decent one at that, I have to say there are times I am deeply ashamed to call myself one. Or maybe I am just too sensitive for my own good.

In the early days of my relationship with the woman I feel privileged to call my wife, who happens to be Japanese, it never ceased to amaze me how low some men can be.

There was one Spanish man in particular who I was a little acquainted with, a man of senior years, a pathetic excuse for a man who is what is called a ‘Viejo Verde’ which means ‘Dirty Old Man,’ of which there are far too many for my liking.

Every time this man saw me in the street on my own he would interrogate me about my lovely wife. “Where is she? How Old is she? When can I meet her?” My reply was a robust “Why, why, why, what do you want with her?”

“Never mind that, when you’re finished with her, pass her on to me.” What The Actual Fuck!

What did this old fool think she was, a common prostitute to be used in a game of pass the parcel? What a truly disgusting animal. Had he been younger I would have been sorely tempted to give him a big fat punch on the nose.

Another guy, who I had previously considered a friend also asked after her a few times. Now he was a married middle-aged man and he started to tell me that she would fancy him more than she fancied me! This guy was an African American, which only goes to show that arseholery has no colour, nationality, age or marital status.

Yet another one who fancied his chances was some guy from Australia who saw my wife and I whilst we were out in some Spanish bar listening to music. He had the sheer brass neck to come and sit at our table and hit on my wife right under my nose!

“Hello sweetie, what’s your name?”

“Her name is ‘My wife’ so piss off and leave her alone, asshole,” I told him.

I think there are two reasons why she gets so much attention; one, she is very young and beautiful compared to me. Two, she is oriental and very open to chatting with strangers, far too many of whom get entirely the wrong idea and think her friendliness is a sign that she wants something with them, self-deluded idiots that they are.

I can see what they are thinking written all over their faces “Well if she’s up for hanging out with an old bastard like that, I’m in with a chance here.”

And then I come to the one who really got up my nose. A late middle-aged Spanish shop owner who fancied himself as some sort of Don Juan. One day he saw me walking alone and called me over to say hello. However, when I got up close to him he said, wait for it…

“I’ve got a friend who wants to know what sex with a Japanese woman is like, and I thought of you since you have one.” What a transparent slime bag.

The scumbag obviously thought I was an idiot to fall for that old chestnut “I’ve got a friend…” routine. And he also thought very little of me if he expected me to divulge to some arsehole like him what went on between the sheets back at home. Some men might well be boastful arseholes, but I am not one of them. I would never, ever, divulge my intimate life with my wife to nobody, period.

I am not at all surprised why men in general are so little thought of by smart women when we are surrounded by arseholes. Not all men are like that, but far too many are.

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