Investing In The Future With Bitcoin

Making plans for the life you don’t yet know

At a time when people may be confused as to which crypto to buy into it is worth noting that Bitcoin still rules the roost. As of today, 1 Bitcoin is worth about $68,752.92. In 2009 Bitcoin was hardly worth a dime, $0.0009 each to be precise! It is now predicted that by 2030 Bitcoin will be worth in the region of $88,636.09. This is all a far cry from anything anybody could ever have imagined. However, it is worth noting that, as always, any cryptocurrency investment can just as easily go down as up in value.

The beauty of any crypto is that as an invisible asset, it has to be one of the safest investments ever. And that is always going to be the number one concern of any serious investor. There was a time when crypto was seen as somewhat risky, but these days it is seen as safe as just about any other type of investment.

One of the main attractions of Bitcoin is that you do not have to be rich to buy into it, and you can still make a decent profit. For example, you could buy $100 worth of Bitcoin and reap a return of about $5,500 in 2030, which is a 95 per cent return. Obviously, the more you invest the more you will get back.

Clearly, the longer you can leave your crypto investment alone, the better. And it is that feature of crypto that makes it very attractive indeed for parents or grandparents who want to make some sort of provision for the future of very young children.

For example, if you were to start investing even a modest amount now for a five-year-old child as a school fund for when they go to university in say ten years or so, that could amount to quite a tidy sum when the child comes of age.

Equally, a crypto investment could be used towards your retirement fund. And there is no reason why crypto cannot be used in a mixed portfolio of investments for your senior years. Hedging your bets is no bad thing. Diversifying investments has the benefit of reducing the risk of losing everything. It is never a good idea to place all of your eggs in one basket.

As ever, it is always a good idea to seek professional advice, especially when it comes to money. And never invest more than you can afford to lose.


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