I Married A Femme Fatale Twice!

How I Survived

On Being Married To A Femme Fatale. There is a lot to be learned from the experience.

In the creation of this educational article please note no insects or animals were harmed, which is more than I can say for the human equivalent.

Having spent a great deal of time trying to make some sort of sense of how I was appallingly treated by both of my first two ex-wives, I wondered if there was any sort of parallel behaviour to be found in other species. I do believe I did find a precedent of sorts in the form of the praying Mantis.

Image by IstvánKopeczny on Pixabay

As you may or may not know, during the act of mating the female mantis is highly likely to devour the head of her male mating partner. For the scientifically minded, the female does not, as some people believe, bite off the head of the male, she chomps down on it as if it were an apple and eats every last morsel.

Research has discovered that one of the reasons for this is that the female can gain a good deal of protein to sustain her during the rest of the act of making love.

For his part, the male mantis has been observed trying to avoid his fate by stroking the female with his mandibles to calm her down. It was also observed that quite often it was the male that violently attacked the female, and often won the battle. That is very telling about his human counterpart.

When the male does meet his untimely demise and loses his head, with his brain being turned into a tasty mulch, his nether region speeds up until he is banging away at it like an unlocked barn door in a force ten gale. The presence of envious men here is tangible.

It may surprise you to know that the now headless male can keep up that athletic sexual marathon for several hours. This increases the possibility of the female being fertilised with a healthy dose of what she needs to make an abundance of eggs.

It seems then, that the female is merely doing what needs to be done for the successful perpetuation of the species. The male is nobly sacrificed for the cause.

In my case, and those of other men like me, it could be argued that in taking me to the cleaners for every cent I had, my ex-wife was simply doing what came naturally, making provision for the future of our child.

However, I do not believe it was necessary to see me off for the same reason. Indeed, it made more sense to keep me around for continued long-term financial support. And as far as I am aware, no man has ever kept bang at it having sex long after he has lost his head!

Seeing off your partner is more akin to killing the Golden Goose. No goose, no more golden eggs. That is the definition of insanity. It just does not make any sense at all. There is one exception.

It would only make sense if the male was worth a tidy sum, which I wasn’t. And in those cases, the culprit is almost always found out. Most people who are murdered are the victims of the person closest to them. That is why spouses are always the first to be suspected.

When the protagonist is apprehended, they go to jail for life and any children there may be, become orphans. So that is in no way in the interest of the child or the perpetuation of the species. So even then, it comes down to insanity, that or plain old evil.

As for taking a man to the cleaners, that too is totally mad. Surely it makes more sense to negotiate a deal that is fair to both sides. A child needs a mother and a father.

Let me assail you with what happened to me in the above regard.

After we separated, my second ex-wife applied to the courts for my entire salary. As the judge quite rightly pointed out, I needed money for rent and food as well.

Later on, I started my own business, a language academy, and it did ok, enough for me to continue paying the child support decreed by the divorce court and help towards my living expenses.

Sadly, my ex saw what she thought was me doing very well indeed, when in fact all I got was a very low monthly salary, more a small supplement than a salary, and only for nine months a year. This was bolstered by some freelance English classes on a one-to-one basis.

She and her solicitor launched an action to seize all of the gross income from the business. That included money I needed to pay for teachers' salaries, educational materials such as books, social security for everybody, taxes for the business, monthly accountancy fees, and a commission payable to the school, which was my main client for after-school English classes, and various other ancillary costs and expenses.

The way I did business was that the parents of the children wanting classes paid the whole amount to the school, who after taking their commission to cover electricity and classroom cleaning, passed the rest on to me, for me to run the business. It ran on a shoestring, but even if we only broke even after paying all costs, I was happy. I was particularly happy because it provided some much-needed part-time work to half a dozen hard-up teachers.

My ex-wife’s scumbag solicitor applied for the whole gross amount to give to his client. What he was going off was the topline, not the bottom one. When I pointed that out to him in court, he said “What you spend your money on is up to you, all I’m saying is that there are 12K euros there in your tax return.” At the bottom of the page, it clearly showed that the net figure was lamentably low at less than 500 euros, for the whole year!

The swine then asked the judge if the court could send a demand to the school to know how much I was earning. I pointed out that it was pointless as I did not work for the school, I was self-employed and he had the figures for that right under his idiotic nose. Amazingly, the judge agreed to send a letter to the school.

The school replied that they could not say how much I earned as I was not an employee. The court was asked to send the letter again, only this time stronger, threatening legal action against the school. That was the killer blow that finished off my business for good. The school bailed out, fearful that the court would seize all of the money to give to my ex-wife and have forty families suing them for the loss. Without that money, I couldn’t possibly run the business and would have to stop giving classes that the parents had paid for.

Not just me, but six teachers lost their jobs. I also lost my rented apartment, and my old beater of a car, and I had to stop paying child support! It was a devastating mess. I confess I wept buckets with that one. It had taken me five years to build the business up only to see it handed over on a plate to my arch-competitor.

The only way I could now survive was by taking to the streets busking with my guitar and keyboard. I would have to live on cash in hand living in a small bedsit. It really was a very frustrating madness, and there seemed to be no end to it. There was an end, though not the one I wanted.

In 2014, my ex-skipped the country, illegally taking my son with her, never to be seen again. Even from the distance of another country, the woman chased after me for money, through the courts via Skype, that I did not owe or have. As far as child support is concerned she received far more than she was entitled to and was simply trying to get it all over again. Pure greed.

In 2020, due to ill health with it all, I finally escaped the country and came to live on the other side of the world. I am sure she knows where I am. Maybe the prospect of having to deal with the Japanese language has kept her at bay. Good, I aim to keep it that way. The woman is a bloody nightmare who if I ever saw her again it would be too soon.

For the record, both of my ex-wives wanted me dead for the money and both mounted an attack! I survived both attacks but ended up in financial ruin.


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