How To Find Inner Peace In Your Life

You got this

At a time of year when many people have been busy making New Year resolutions, others such as myself have made just one, and that is to be mindful in everything I do. The question is; what exactly is mindfulness?

‘Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we're doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what's going on around us.’

The above quote comes courtesy of ‘,’ which goes into great detail about what it is all about.

For me, it is all about living in the moment and giving your full attention to your body and mind. Forget about the past and the future, neither of which actually exist, or if they do it is only in your mind. Simply deal with the now, and now, and now….

Like everybody else, I spent far too much time and energy on certain things and not enough on others, things that were and are, far more important than what is happening around the world.

For example, as with many others, I really got caught up in the election for President and became quite deeply affected by it. In the end, I had to cut the time I was spending reading all about it on the internet. Almost without realising it, I reached the point where I began to forget to do things essential to my financial, mental and physical health and well-being. Fortunately, one day I recognised the signs and immediately cut my time discussing the subject to zero. I simply told myself it had nothing to do with me, which was true since I am neither American nor live anywhere near the United States.

Yes, there will be potential repercussions for all of us, whoever won or lost the election. However, it is hard to tell what they might be until somebody actually does something that reverberates around the civilised world with negative effects. All we can do is wait and see, for now, the rest is just noise.

Over the years I have come across various other takes on life, like ‘Go with the flow,’ and ‘Aimlessly drift,’ which can help to alleviate all manner of mental and emotional problems. On the other hand, it seems to me that one should have some degree of self-determined direction in life. Perhaps a combination of several philosophies is the answer.

The important thing is to live a life that is healthy, enjoyable and fulfilling for yourself and your loved ones. I think it is also important to behave towards others who you don’t even know with a sense of decency. By conducting your life in these ways you will have a smooth ride and be able to enjoy an abundance of good things, most especially if you practice the principles of the law of attraction.

‘The law of attraction is a philosophy suggesting that positive thoughts bring positive results into a person's life, while negative thoughts bring negative outcomes. In other words, a positive mindset will attract more success and happiness than a negative one,’ (Verywell Remember, our thoughts and feelings have the power to shape our experience and our reality.

Put simply, what that means is that if you walk along a plank at some height thinking ‘I’m going to fall,’ then the chances are that you will indeed fall off the plank. However, if you think, “I can do this, I’m going to be ok, I’ve got this, ” your chances of success increase and you will walk that plank and not fall off it.

These are the thoughts with which I lead my life and enjoy wonderful things such as success in my personal relationships as well as in my occupation. And although I am beset with various lifestyle and age-related chronic illnesses, I do not let them get me down. I live each and every day as if it is my last, which one day it will be. In the meantime, in the words of a song a friend of mine wrote many years ago, ‘Life’s for living, don’t ever give in, learn to take the bumpy rides, it ain’t always easy, don’t always please me, but I got this, take it all in my stride.”


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