How I Got Caught In A Trap

With Seemingly No Way Out

Here’s a saucy tale I never told my second ex-wife, and with good reason. I like living and I am pretty sure she would have ended me.

I used to be a very successful on-the-road salesman who spent two or three days away from home, every single week. I know for a fact that some of my colleagues used to play away from home, but I am not the type of person. Apart from having a decent set of moral values and respect for my wife, I simply could not live with a guilty conscience, so I never strayed. However, that is not to say other women didn’t come on at me.

One such time I was working hundreds of miles from home visiting potential clients at their place of work, which was often where they lived.
It was mid-morning when I arrived at a beautiful detached house and I was hopeful of scoring a hit with the businessman who lived there with his wife.

Unfortunately, when I arrived and knocked on the door the wife invited me in only to tell me that her husband had gone to work out of town for the day, with his pretty secretary. She made it clear no business was going to be done as she knew very little of what he did.

The woman then started to pour her heart out to me about how she knew he was having an affair with his secretary and what was good for the goose was good for the gander.

I immediately felt uncomfortable and started to rise from the comfy armchair she had sat me in when I arrived. Before I knew it she asked to be excused and made a dash for the door to the stairs which led up to the second-floor bedrooms.

At first, I thought perhaps she had been caught short and needed the bathroom. However, I suddenly heard movement from what I supposed to be the bedroom above the living room I had been sitting in for only about five minutes. It sounded to me like she was tidying up the bedroom.

I stood up and made my way to the house's front door at the foot of the stairs. As I got there, over my left shoulder I heard a sexy whisper. I looked up to the top of the stairs to see a scantily clad vision of feminine beauty wearing very revealing semi-transparent, pink baby doll, lingerie.

In all honesty, I probably stared five seconds too long, which had the effect of emboldening her. Sensing my hesitancy, which perhaps she mistook for shyness, she started to trounce down the stairs her voluptuous breasts enticing me.

I quickly turned to open the front door to make good my escape only to discover that she had locked the door as she passed to go upstairs without me noticing.

Before I knew it she was upon me and rubbing ample bosom up and down my back whilst I fiddled with the lock and door knob.

“C’mon, Baby,” she cooed in my ear, so close I could feel her breath on the side of my neck. I even caught a whiff of fragrance which I immediately recognised as musk, my favourite as it happened. I swear I could even smell her womanhood, or was it just my imagination? It was all getting too much.

Suddenly the lock opened and I managed to get the darned door open before I was tempted to change my mind. I flew out, jumped into my car and drove off at a hell of a lick, like a scalded cat.

A mile to two up the road, I stopped in a layby to catch my breath. All sorts of alternative scenarios flashed through my imagination. Voices I had heard before spoke to me. “Go back, go on, you know you want to, nobody will ever know. You’re a long way from home, it’ll be ok.” But I knew those voices were not mine, they belonged to my work colleagues urging me to copy them. However, I was never part of the herd and I was not about to change.

I never did go back. I just put the car in gear and calmly set off for my next appointment. I would be going back home to my wife with my conscience clear. I breathed a sigh of relief that I hadn’t given in to temptation.

Not too long afterwards, thousands of miles away, I discovered that my ‘Lovely’ wife had an affair right under my nose with her boss at work next door to where we lived.

Upon discovering that sly secret, I almost cursed myself for not having taken that opportunity a year or two earlier when it was offered to me on a plate, as it were. However, that was no more than a fleeting thought. I could rest easy that I at least had held up my side of the marital deal. It didn’t matter what she did afterwards, I wasn’t like her.

I never gave those incidents a second thought until recently when I read a similar story and the man gave in and paid a very heavy price indeed. Not me, I can sleep at night having never let the side down.

I know lots of other men, work colleagues, would have leapt at the chance I was presented with, but I wasn’t like them. It just wasn’t in my DNA, never was, and never will be. There is peace to be had from that mindset, and that is worth far more than any bit on the side.

Four things to remember should you ever find yourself in the position I did;

1. You just might be buying into the early return of a burly husband.

2. You may also be buying into being secretly filmed on CCTV.

3. For sure you will be buying into the sexual history of a least three people, the conquest, her husband and his secret lover, complete with STDs such as Aids!

4. You also risk being found out by your other half, and she might well take you to the cleaners.

You have been warned!


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