A Christmas Story

The true meaning of Christmas.

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Photograph by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash

The cold winter snow was piled high right up to the window sill of the second-floor bedroom. Little Johnny kneeled on his bed in his pyjamas looking out of the square frosted panes of glass. He stared longingly up at the northern skies, bejewelled with the tipped cup of the moon and the sparkling stars, hoping beyond all of his wildest dreams to capture even just a fleeting glimpse of a rotund Santa Clause on his gift burdened sleigh.

For all too brief a moment, Johnny saw what he thought might be a merry Father Christmas passing through the bars of Orion. Johnny's heart skipped a beat as he held his breath. Alas, it was nothing more than a shooting star streaking across the starry starry night. Johnny's tensed-up muscles relaxed as he settled back down on the beautiful, homemade, soft patchwork eiderdown which covered his bed.

Downstairs, Johnny's mum had festooned the hall and living room with glossy balloons and brightly coloured Christmas decorations. She was now busy putting out a glass of sherry and two hot mince pies on a small plate near the chimney for Santa. This was a sign that the moment of Santa's arrival was imminent.

Eventually, Johnny was overcome with tiredness and fell fast asleep. Soon he began to dream of all the wonderful gifts that Santa would bring. Johnny had hoped for some books, a football and a guitar. In his dream, Johnny saw Santa stooped by the big Christmas tree, arranging what looked like far more Christmas presents than he could ever have imagined. He could hardly contain his excitement at the prospect of tearing open the myriad of gift-wrapped parcels.

The next morning Johnny woke up with a start and raced downstairs shouting out as he ran "Mum, Dad, has he been?" So excited was Johnny that he almost fell down the stairs, just managing to re-catch his step at the bottom. Disaster averted, Johnny went into the living room barely able to hold his nerves in check.

"Mum, Dad." he screamed "He's been, Santa has been....and just look at what he has left. Wow........!"

Photograph by S&B Vonlanthen on Unsplash

Halfway across the living room, Johnny stopped dead in his tracks. His father quietly came up behind him and put a loving arm around him. It was a sight to behold. It was a magical moment in time when everything in the world stopped, everything except the sheer joy of being alive at that moment in time with the abundance of the love of his parents.

"Happy Christmas son," said Johnny's father with a depth of warmth and love that can only be found in a loving father or mother.

"Dad....?" whispered Johnny to his father.

"Yes son?" answered Johnny's father.

"You know, I have so much here, it's amazing. I have an idea, Dad."

"Go on son, tell me, what's on your mind." Johnny's father said.

"Well, at the end of our street, there's an orphanage with lots of children who haven't got any mum or dad like me. Do you think Santa goes to that place with presents? If he doesn't, I imagine they will be very sad huh Dad?

Why don't we go and give those children some of my presents? You always say it's better to give than to receive. Just think Dad, we could make those poor children so happy and we could have a lot of fun doing it too. You could be Santa Clause and I could be one of your little helpers. Come on Dad, let's do it, let's go have some fun. And maybe I could make some new friends too Dad.

Of course, you have to pretend to be the real Santa Clause, I'd hate them to think that Santa doesn't exist when we have all the proof we need right in front of us huh Dad? I mean, where else would all of those presents come from?"

"You know son, you're right," said Johnny's father. "I am so proud of you son, you're such a smart kid for your age. Come on, let's do it, let's go and spread a little of that joy and happiness we have so much of here. There's more than enough for everyone."

And with that Johnny and his father got changed and gathered up a bundle of Christmas presents and put them in a sack.

Just at that moment Johnny's mother came into the room and asked what was going on. When Johnny's father finished explaining Johnny's mother simply said "Well, looks like I need to get a second round of mince pies and sherry ready for when you get back huh."

As father and son set off down the street Johnny's father said "Do you know son, what is the best Christmas present of all? The love that you give with, and you my boy have got it by the sack load. Come on, let's go."

At the end of the street, Jonny and his proud father walked up the path to the orphanage and knocked on the door, calling out "Ho ho ho" as they waited for somebody to come.

A rotund, middle-aged woman opened the door and upon seeing Johnny and his father exclaimed "Why Santa, we thought you weren't coming, the children will be so excited and happy to see you guys. And do you know, we even have some hot mince pies and a glass of sherry ready and waiting for you Santa."

"Great." Johnny's father sighed good naturedly, just above the din and melee of child happiness rushing to the door, "I just love mince pies and sherry."


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